The Loft Studio
We have a duty of care towards all group members and this protocol identifies mitigations designed
to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission within the unit in line with Government regulations
and guidance, as and when use of these facilities is allowed.
The Loft is a private studio unit in a multi-use building and not open to the general public.
A maximum of three members can attend a session.
Group members must not attend if they are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms
or have been in contact with a Covid-19 confirmed or suspected case in the previous 14 days.
No guests or other visitors are allowed to take part.
A recognised Health & Safety notice is displayed prominently on the entrance door
reminding users of the need for good hygiene and safe distancing.
On entry to the Unit
A personal infra-red temperature check is taken
and individuals must leave immediately if a warning light is shown.
A cleansing station is located close to the main doorway.
Hands must be washed using the cleansing gel or soap & water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
There is a supply of tissues and adjacent waste bin.
Masks should be worn and a free supply is available at the gym entrance.
Work Areas
An additional cleansing station is located next to the matted area.
Thorough supervised cleaning with disinfectant & disposable cloths
must take place immediately before & after using the mats or other equipment.
Mats, ring ropes, multigym handles etc must be sprayed/wiped down with disinfectant.
Hands must be cleaned using the gel provided.
Outdoor shoes must not be worn in work areas.
A one-way walking route around the gym should be observed.
Camera operative and crew will wear a mask and maintain social distancing
whenever possible during filming work activity.
Changing Room
All surfaces are wiped down before every session.
A personal area is allocated to each user.
No items of clothing are to be left on the floor.
All club gear worn must be placed by the user in a laundry bag.
It will be machine washed in detergent without mixing with any laundry from outside of the gym.
One person at a time allowed in the kitchen area and users should clean-up after themselves.
Surfaces will be wiped down and items such as drinks bottles placed in the bin provided,
at the end of every session.
First Aid
A basic first aid kit is located in a marked cupboard.
Masks and disposable gloves are available for users.
Waste Disposal
Bins with black bags are provided in the entrance, kitchen & changing areas.
At the end of every session, waste bags are tied-up and placed in the large communal bins
located in the courtyard outside.
Toilets & Communal Areas
The communal toilets are located on the landing outside the unit.
Only one group member at a time is allowed to use the communal area
and should not mix with any other user of the building during a session.
The cleaning of toilets, staircase and shared entrance and provision of signage
and sanitisers in common areas, are the responsibility of the Property Management.
All users should follow government guidance in relation to travel to/from the building
eg wearing masks on public transport.
The unit tenant is present during all sessions and will endeavour to ensure that
the above procedures are followed.
This protocol will be subject to review in the light of updated guidance and experience in practice.
Updated January 2021