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Latest News from The Loft
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Benny Storm v Son of Zabar
Sammy Scrapper v Ruben Nevez
Franky Nadara v Neymar Jnr
Benny Storm v Vaz Lavisto
Andy Toflea v Neymar Jnr
Latest Releases
Five Years On
Jack Nero v Neymar Jnr
It's five years since these two faced each other in the ring.
Neymar's on the comeback trail but will he have what it takes to defeat the fiery Nero?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/five-years-on-by-spotland-scrappers
Rug Rats
Sam Jucator v Sam GD Zilla
Skilful Sam challenges rookie GD in a special Villa Royale rug match.
Filmed on location by Stormy.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/rug-rats-by-spotland-scrappers
Pretzel Power
Franky Nadara v Vaz Lavisto
Long strip of dough Nadara is looking to twist Vaz like a pretzel snack in this ring submission match.
Will Vaz crumble or is he more hard baked?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/pretzel-power-by-spotland-scrappers
Scrappers Return
Sammy Scrapper v Neymar Jnr
Spotland Legend Sammy - our Matman of the Year in 2019 - makes a welcome visit
to face his footballing mucker Neymar on the grapplezone.
A special treat for Spotland fans everywhere!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/scrappers-return-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Missions 16
Andy 'Nico' Toflea v Matty 'The Hammer' Matalan
The Hammer makes a welcome return to the ring, but will have his work cut out against Spotland Champ Toflea.
The latest in this series blending ground submission moves and pro style pins.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-16-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Rookies
La'al Cuz v Ruben Nevez
Two of our trainees feature in a 'learning match' coached by Nico.
Kindly sponsored by Jay's Customs.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-rookies-by-spotland-scrappers
David Rocco v Sam Jucator.
By special request, we've taken another dip into the video archive to find more previously unseen footage.
This time, stocky bruiser Rocco faces lighter Sam with the model looks, barefoot in the ring.
Prior to his retirement, Rocco had already become a Spotland Legend and is missed by many - but not by Sam!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/choke-ring-by-spotland-scrappers
Atomic Power
Jack Nero v Andy Toflea
The self-styled model of pro wrestling and international star (well, he's been to Wales)
is up against Spotland's popular grappler in this catchweight contest scheduled for six rounds.
What starts as a gripping technical exchange soon accelerates into a fast-paced, action-packed thriller with an atomic twist!
Kindly sponsored by COB Drops.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/atomic-power-by-spotland-scrappers
'Both lads executed the move perfectly and are both extremely talented. Anyone who is a fan of the atomic drop will love this match.'
'This bout certainly lived up to its title.The lads worked hard and put on a great show.'
Matman Tourno 1
Andy Toflea v Son of Zabar
The opening contest of our 2025 grapplers tournament
in which points are awarded for takedowns & submissions,
is a high-scoring encounter as Son of Zabar steps up from the trainee group
to take on our 2024 Matman Trophy winner.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/matman-tourno-1-by-spotland-scrappers
Greasy Grapplers 2
Vaz Lavisto v Benny Storm
Both guys go all-out for victory and the oilzone is almost destroyed in this 'first to three' battle.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/greasy-grapplers-2-by-spotland-scrappers
Chicken Dinner
Jack Nero v Benny Storm & La'al Cuz
Jack Nero returns to assess our newest recruits. Benny & Cuz are frustrated by their encounters with the self-proclaimed champion.
Has the athletic veteran bitten off more than he can chew? Who will be shouting "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!" at the end?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/chicken-dinner-by-spotland-scrappers
'I think there's a bit of something for everyone in there.'
Beemat Fives 6.0
Andy Toflea v Matty Matalan plus highlights of Vaz Lavisto v Son of Zabar
Slimline Matty makes a welcome return to take on experienced matman Andy.
In our supporting match Vaz and rookie SoZ entertain us.
First to five scores wins in both matches.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-fives-60-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Dream Toppin 3
Andy Toflea v Benny Rompedor
The third match in this series has champ Andy facing stocky Ben in a stern test.
Two well-matched guys in stylish gear with one target - a shoulder pin.
Their challenge is to work on that pin until their opponent gives up.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/dream-toppin-3-by-spotland-scrappers
A ScrapEx Production.
Shining Stars
Joey Delgado v Andy Toflea
One of our leading technical grapplers takes on a Spotland Legend.
Both simply consider themselves to be 'The Best' so who will come out on top?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/shining-stars-by-spotland-scrappers
'What a great stocking filler!'
'Spotland consistently produces great output.
How they find so many great wrestlers is a mystery - but I'm glad they do!'
*** Seasonal Greetings from the Spotland Scrappers Team ***
Spladle Splits 6
David Hitman v Andy Toflea v Sam Jucator
compete in a 'winner stays on' challenge,
for fans of banana splits and other sweet moves!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/spladle-splits-6-by-spotland-scrappers
Foxy Games
Joey Delgado v Benny Storm
A Spotland Vet with 75 appearances faces one of our up & coming stars
on the grapplezone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/foxy-games-by-spotland-scrappers
Greasy Grapplers
Andy Toflea v Benny Storm
in an intense squirmy grapple on the oilzone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/greasy-grapplers-by-spotland-scrappers
'Andy v Benny was outstanding ...'
'In a remarkably effective sequence Andy manoeuvres Benny into a perfect chest-on-chest pin
and clamps down tight for maximum control. Benny eventually breaks one arm free ...'
The Lycra Lads 6
David 'Bad Boy' Hitman v Sam Jucator
Hitman aims to beat model Sam by fair means or foul as these likely lads battle it out under the ring spotlights.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/the-lycra-lads-6-by-spotland-scrappers
Winter Nights
Benny Storm v Ben Rompedor in our opening rookie challenge match.
Andy Toflea v Sam Jucator - two popular members of our roster.
The guys give energetic, tigerish & colourful performances to warm our supporters
as we go into the winter months (in the Northern Hemisphere!)
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/winter-nights-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Tatami
Franky Nadara v Lee Balfour
& Alex McDonald v Nicky Valour
Two newcomers step on to the mats for the first time in submission learning matches with experienced mentors.
Their creditable performances point to a positive future for our Trainee Club.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-tatami-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Trials 13
Franky Nadara v David Son of Zabar
Rookie David makes his ring debut facing mentor Franky in this training bout.
Will Son of Zabar be overawed by the atmosphere or spring a surprise?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-trials-13-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Missions 15
David 'Bad Boy' Hitman v Benny Storm
The first wrestler to gain three scores will take the win in this custom match.
Hitman's range of long-held submissions, leglocks and backbreakers should see him through
but could the up & comer storm to victory?
Sponsored by Coopers Corner.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-15-by-spotland-scrappers
Dream Toppin 2
Sam Jucator v Andy Toflea
Two well-matched guys with one target - a shoulder pin.
Their challenge is to work on that pin until their opponent gives up.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/dream-toppin-2-by-spotland-scrappers
Stretch Marks
David 'Bad Boy' Hitman v Benny 'Electric' Storm.
Benny enters the ring with a cocky attitude but soon finds himself being dominated by 'Bad Boy' at his best,
and his attempts to gain a foot hold in the match are thwarted as he is stretched all round the ring.
Custom Match kindly sponsored by Nelson Admirer.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/stretch-marks-by-spotland-scrappers
Three-in-One Oil
Franky Nadara - David Hitman - Alex McDonald.
We return to the Oilzone for an evenly-matched free-for-all
where everyone's tangled up in lots of crazy ways!
Custom Match kindly sponsored by Eze.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/three-in-one-oil-by-spotland-scrappers
'The match was so much fun to watch! I really loved the intensity and all the different holds the guys got themselves tangled into.
The three-way holds were great. Alex, David, and Frankly were all amazing. Please thank them for me!
I hope it was as enjoyable for you all to produce as it was for me to watch.'
Dream Toppin
Sam Jucator v Benny Storm
Two well-matched guys with one target - a chest-to-chest straddle shoulder pin.
Their challenge is to work on that pin until their opponent gives up.
Custom Match kindly sponsored by U.R.Pinned.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/dream-toppin-by-spotland-scrappers
'Fantastic job, and tremendous effort by Benny and Sam!
Thanks to them for being willing to try the match rules.'
Vintage Turbo
Joey Delgado v Abel Rosso
We've delved into the archive to find a previously unseen video of two Spotland Legends,
in a lively, skilful ring encounter.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/vintage-turbo-by-spotland-scrappers
Stretch Points
Franky Nadara v Sam Jucator
Franky reprises his role as the tickling heel, applying stretching submission holds to his model opponent,
in this custom match sponsored by Mark Stretch.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/stretch-points-by-spotland-scrappers
'I appreciate your efforts, and the performance of the guys who were involved.'
Tickle Tangle
David Hitman v Doro Mutoryn v Alex McDonald.
We return to the Tickle Zone, with all three of the guys on the mat, taking turns doing a 2 v 1 in this custom tickle match!
Who will finally submit with exhaustion unable to withstand any more tickling?
Sponsored by Tickle Inc.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/tickle-tangle-by-spotland-scrappers
'... the match is fantastic. I love the guys reactions. They all were great, however, I loved seeing David tickled.'
Meet The Nelsons
Vaz Lavisto v Andy Toflea
In a colourful contest under the spotlights, Vaz invites Andy to meet the Nelsons,
but will it end with the final countdown for our Entertainer?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/meet-the-nelsons-by-spotland-scrappers
Matman Trophy
Andy Toflea v Benny Storm
competing for this year's trophy in an intense submission-style contest.
Benny Rompedor v Son of Zabar
with an entertaining 'first to five' trainee match.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/matman-trophy-by-spotland-scrappers
ScrapEx 12
David Hitman (jeans) v Sam Jucator (trackie bottoms)
in a custom match featuring chinlocks alongside figure 4's and other submission holds.
Guaranteed to bring a smile to the faces of Glasgow grin fans!
Sponsored by Camel Customs.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/scrapex-12-by-spotland-scrappers
'... it was absolutely perfect! I loved the cocky heel/underdog vibe and how everything flowed through. Thank you so much!'
Solid Sliders
David Hitman v Doro Mutoryn
These two solid guys make a welcome return to the oilzone.
David's many fans will like his 'new look' in this squirmy battle.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/solid-sliders-by-spotland-scrappers
'Great to see two of your older, more experienced wrestlers going at it in the oil, and full marks for their stamina.
A really enjoyable bout, with excellent close up camera work and lighting to show off the oil.
I liked the way the bout got more and more scrappy, like a street fight, as time went on.'
Beemat Trials 39
Milly Barber v Ruben Nevez
Highlights of a bro battle between Ruben and his older sibling in our supporting match.
Sam Jucator v Ralph King Jnr
The tall slimline model makes a welcome return to the mats against stocky Ralph..
The Beemat Trials series showcases our new breed of Spotland trainees
with more experienced group members on the grapplezone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-trials-39-by-spotland-scrappers
ScrapEx 11
Franky Nadara v Matt 'The Hammer' Matalan
in this customised scenario focussing on full nelsons.
Slimline Matty is dominated by one of your favourite bad guys
as Franky claws and stretches his way mercilessly to victory.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/scrapex-11-by-spotland-scrappers
'The guys did a fantastic job, please thank them for all their efforts.
There were a few holds that I don't think were included on my list that were so cool!
For example a full nelson bridge that was SO well done.'
Chilli Heatwave - Limited Edition
Jack Nero v Andy Toflea
The self-styled working man's pro wrestler takes time out from a nationwide tour
to face popular Spotland stalwart Andy in our summer special.
A full-on crunch match which gets progressively spicey!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/chilli-heatwave-limited-edition-by-spotland-scrappers
'Just watched the latest video. I think it gets better each time. Well done to all concerned!'
'Camera work is great, I notice you have to be quick to be out of the way sometimes!
Thanks for doing even better than World of Sport.'
Check Mate
Vaz Lavisto v Benny Storm
The Entertainer plays with his mate Benny on the grapplezone.
Will Storm force his way to victory or become a rookie pawn on Lavisto's board?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/check-mate-by-spotland-scrappers
Ironman 2
David Hitman v Matty Matalan
in a variation on an ironman match, where the guys wrestle with multiple falls for a period of 15 minutes.
After each fall the wrestlers have a ten count to get to their feet and return to their corner, at which point the match resumes.
A wrestler who is unable to return to their corner before the count of ten loses the match;
otherwise the winner is the wrestler who secures the most falls.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ironman-2-spotland-short-by-spotland-scrappers
Grapplezoners 30
David Hitman v Vaz Lavisto
Saints supporter Vaz will have to be at his optimum level against the experienced grappler Hitman
in this lively mat match.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-30-by-spotland-scrappers
Sandy Scrappers
Abel Rosso v Sam Jucator
Summer Fun with a double helping of Beach Wrestling on wet sand.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/sandy-scrappers-by-spotland-scrappers
Tiger Stripes
David Rocco v Sam Jucator
We've delved into the archive to find a previously unseen video of two Spotland favourites,
in a lively grapplezone encounter.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/tiger-stripes-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Moves 14
Andy Toflea v Ben Rompedor
Andy Toflea v Ben Rompedor
These two well-matched guys face each other in another exciting old-school back 'n forth scrap.
Andy has progressed to become a respected mentor within the group.
Will Ben remember the lessons he's learnt?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-moves-14-by-spotland-scrappers
Cornered 2
Andy Toflea & Benny Storm
in a real abs-testing competition
on our specialist gumroad channel.
Gumroad: https://spotlandscrappers.gumroad.com/l/theus
ScrapEx 10 - Saggers 'n Jeans
Andy 'Bokker' Toflea v Benny 'Spyderboi' Storm
in a chaotic scrap with saggin' blue jeans.
Andy looks angelic but what will he cook-up for Spyderboi?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/scrapex-10-saggers-n-jeans-by-spotland-scrappers
'ScrapEx 10 out of 10 !
I really enjoyed your latest ScrapEx bout - a great ‘falls count anywhere’ scrappy street fight in saggers with random weapons.
Hope it was as much fun to film as it was to watch - the roster is definitely developing well as they get older/more experienced.
Looking forward to seeing some similar bouts in future 😀'
Canvas Stretchers
Sam Jucator v Vaz Lavisto
These two are no strangers to one another and it shows as they go back-and-forth inside the squared circle.
With much of the action on the ground, who will end the match with their back to the canvas?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/canvas-stretchers-by-spotland-scrappers
Funky Challenge
Franky Nadara v Young Teo
We mark Pride Month with fizzin' slimline tonic Teo against full strength Nadara.
Will the young rookie be able to counter the power & experience of his mentor in this catchweight contest?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/funky-challenge-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Banderola
Andy Toflea v Benny Storm
Rookie Benny faces a tough opponent in this 'old school' contest
under the ring spotlights.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-banderola-by-spotland-scrappers
'Benny has the persona and the showmanship of Abel.'
'Loved the creative combi hold.'
Grapplezoners 29
Benny Storm v Ben Rompedor
Ben makes a welcome return
in a closely-fought 'best of three' mat contest between these two rivals,
under the watchful eyes of their mentor Andy.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-29-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Tens
Andy Tofles - Vaz Lavisto - Benny Storm
feature in a three-man "first to ten" mat contest.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-tens-by-spotland-scrappers
TKD Challenge 2
Franky Nadara v Danny TKD Mettle
Danny the TKD fighter is throwing kicks whilst experienced matman Franky
attempts to catch him in leg locks & foot holds.
Custom Match sponsored by Uniforia.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/tkd-challenge-2-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Fives 1
Franky Nadara v Andy Toflea
in a 'First to Five' ring contest between two leading members of our group.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-fives-1-by-spotland-scrappers
ScrapEx 9 Custom Match
Vaz Lavisto v Benny Storm
Benny makes a stormin' ring debut in this creative scrap scenario
with dirty tricks as well as wrestling moves.
'Wow! That was incredible! Benny and Vaz were amazing in this;
I really loved their commitment to making the match feel like such a rough brawl which they pulled off so convincingly.
I also love how the fight went from outside to the mat and eventually to the ring.
Please give my thanks to Benny and Vaz! And many thanks to you as well for such a great video!'
'What a match! Loved every minute.
Benny Storm is a class newcomer.Want to see more of him and see him use more power moves.'
'ScrapEx9 is absolutely extraordinary, thank you! Has to be one of the best matches I’ve seen in a long time.'
Grapplin Ring 6
Abel Rosso v Ruben Nevez
It's Ruben's first time in the ring but he's already shown up well on the mats, albeit with other trainees.
After a diffident start young Ruben has some surprises in store for the legendary Abel.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplin-ring-6-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Trials 38
Vaz Lavisto v Manny Barca (singlet match) & Andy Toflea v Benny Storm
Two rookies face more experienced guys on the grapplezone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-trials-38-by-spotland-scrappers
Dos Zorros
The Blue Zorro v The Black Zorro
Two masked bandits meet in The Loft ring. Will we find out their real identities?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/dos-zorros-by-spotland-scrappers
Spladle Splits 5
Franky Nadara v Alex McDonald
in a grappling match with kneebars, spladles and other submissions.
Custom Match sponsored by Canephorus.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/spladle-splits-5-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Moves 13
Abel Rosso v Sam Jucator
Rosso is back and after his victory in Grapplin Ring 5, he thinks he's the Boss.
Model Sam hasn't missed his adversary but has been developing his own skills to counter Abel's punishing moves.
Who will be the winner this time?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-moves-13-by-spotland-scrappers
Fight Club 3
David Rocco v Sam Jucator
The slimline model Sam takes on stocky Rocco
for three rounds of mainly stand-up body boxing
with corner punching sequences.
Download on our Gumroad store: https://spotlandscrappers.gumroad.com/l/vtnpp
Mat Tussles 4
Andy Toflea v Fendi Bambino
Alex McDonald v Young Teo
Two cracking matches on The Loft grapplezone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/mat-tussles-4-double-by-spotland-scrappers
The Lycra Lads 5
Sam Jucator v Vaz Lavisto
putting their own stamp on the Lycra Lads series
with some favourite moves on the canvas under the spotlights.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/the-lycra-lads-5-by-spotland-scrappers
Franky's Birthday Bash
Franky Nadara v Alex McDonald
The brothers battle it out in a closely-fought mat contest.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/frankys-birthday-bash-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Pro 6
Jack Nero v Killer Callum
Heavyweight Killer Callum makes his long awaited return to Spotland,
looking to make a statement by knocking model of pro wrestling Jack Nero off of his catwalk.
Tempers begin to flare in this heated, tigerish clash, kick-starting 2024 with a bang!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-pro-6-by-spotland-scrappers
'I think it’s one of your best yet. Best wishes to both.'
Grapplezoners 28
Joey Delgado v Vaz Lavisto
a classic battle between two gladiators on the mats
celebrates Joey's accolade having featured in our most popular video in 2023!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-28-by-spotland-scrappers
"Ask Him Ref!"
Franky Nadara v Abel Rosso
We end the year with a Big Match
bringing together two leading members of our roster
in an entertaining 'back 'n forth' ring grappling contest.
Sam steps in to wear the referee's stripes
and the outcome is uncertain to the end.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ask-him-ref-special-by-spotland-scrappers
'Great match - Abel's selling is excellent!'
Beemat Fives 4.0
Vaz Lavisto v Sandy Superstorm & Joey Delgado v Lete Reinforzata
Two rookies face experienced team members on the grapplezone.
Vaz throws himself into the match with his usual gusto,
whilst Joey gives a virtuoso performance of technical wrestling against a bigger guy.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-fives-40-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Revenge
Sam Jucator v 'The Entertainer' Vaz Lavisto.
Vaz suffered a loss to Sam back in May so is out to win this time by fair means or foul!
A colourful match under the ring lights.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-revenge-by-spotland-scrappers
'... two lightweight guys really displaying great skill & holds and both looking incredible ...'
Mat Tussles 3
Vaz Lavisto v Milly Barber
Vaz gets exasperated trying to win against this human bulldozer.
Andy Toflea v Sadi Street
Skilful Andy is up against a rookie heavyweight with some surprising moves.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/mat-tussles-3-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Missions 14
Andy Toflea v Vaz Lavisto
in a lively ring battle.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-14-by-spotland-scrappers
Fight Club 2
David Hitman v Matty Matalan & Alex McDonald v Doro Mutoryn
in mixed style trainee matches of 3 rounds with points awarded for body punches, lifts, and submissions.
Download: https://spotlandscrappers.gumroad.com/
Joey Delgado - Davey Boy Braha - Jack Nero - Lete Reinforzata
in a "Winner Stays On" mat tournament.
Joey & Davey make a welcome return to action. There's a mat debut for ring pro Jack Nero
and we introduce newcomer Lete.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplerumble-by-spotland-scrappers
Chain Reaction
David 'Bad Boy' Hitman v 'The Entertainer' Vaz Lavisto
in a chain store massacre!
The guys are attached to a chain - will it be a bar to progress or a useful tool ?
Download: https://spotlandscrappers.gumroad.com/l/uaghsp
Tangled Tricksters
Son of Zorro v XS Skullduggery in a treat of a match
featuring masked wrestlers and a chain coupled with lots of tricks!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/tangled-tricksters-by-spotland-scrappers
David Hitman v Doro Mutoryn in a "Tapout Challenge" custom match.
Barefoot wrestlers wearing singlets in the ring, submitting to leglocks, crabs, figure 4's etc.
Will experienced Hitman be able to resist the power of rookie Doro?
Sponsored by Leo.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ringlets-by-spotland-scrappers
Grapplezoners 27
Sam Jucator v Paul Gucci & Andy Toflea v Benny Rompador
in two closely-fought mat matches between skilful wrestlers.
A super value hour of classic Spotland grapplezone action.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-27-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Double Whammy
Jack Nero v Andy Toflea & Vaz Lavisto
The experienced pro wrestler faces a tag team of lively lads joining forces
to try to win this entertaining match.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/double-whammy-by-spotland-scrappers
Turkish Delight 4 & 5 Bundle
Franky Nadara v Alex McDonald
on the oilzone halfway from Manchester to Kirkpinar!
Alex Tanner scores the contest as points are awarded for lifts & slams and submissions.
David Hitman v Doro Mutoryn on the oilzone
The two guys adopt a Turkish style in jeans under the spotlights.
Custom Match kindly sponsored by Lionel Messy.
'... the match is just what I was looking for - a great bout, the oiled jeans were perfect,
Hitman made a great cocky heel and I thought Doro was fantastic
(great build, and he really suited the 'Turkish wrestler' look - I hope to see much more of him in the future!)
The two wrestlers definitely put on a good show, and I noticed the lifts and slams were in the Turkish wrestling style.'
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/turkish-delight-4-5-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Moves 12
Abel Rosso v Andy Toflea
A lot of you have been looking forward to seeing our AA stars in action.
Rosso always impresses with his range of moves - leglocks, crabs, bow & arrow, surfboards, shoulder lifts etc -
but Toflea has gained in confidence over the past year, so who will have the longer-lasting power?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-moves-12-by-spotland-scrappers-11012
Nero's Fire 2
Jack Nero v Andy Toflea
The guys take dirty tactics and underhand moves to a new level
as an unexpectedly menacing Toflea sets out to avenge his mentor, Franky, and extinguish Nero's fire for good.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/neros-fire-2-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Missions 13
The Final Countdown
David Hitman v David Rocco
Two Spotland Stalwarts battle it out in their final match in The Loft Studio ring.
Both gained a reputation for their uncompromising style and will want to leave as a winner.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-13-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Trials 36
Sam Jucator v Sandy Superstorm
Vaz Lavisto v Blondi Pantilimon
The latest in this series featuring rookie talent with more experienced guys
on the grapplezone
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-trials-36-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Revelry 2
David Hitman v Sam Jucator
Our supporting bout features two lanky lads as smiling Sam faces 'Bad Boy' Hitman.
The Big Match is
Abel Rosso v Vaz Lavisto
We know Rosso thinks The Loft is his ring and he loves the camera.
Will Lavisto have a chance to use his silky skills or will Rosso switch the dial to power wash?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-revelry-2-by-spotland-scrappers
'I really liked it. Abel has good energy and he delivered a few nice bodyslams.'
Mat Tussles 2
Andy Toflea v Mo Forrest
Andy introduces rookie Mo in a training match.
Sam Jucator v Young T.O.
T,O. is learning fast as he faces smiling Sam.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/mat-tussles-2-double-by-spotland-scrappers
'T.O v Sam was a cracker. Very slick and enjoyable.'
Ring Missions 12
David Rocco v Sam Jucator
Model technician Sam faces stocky bruiser Rocco
in this classic encounter between two of Spotland's new breed
both on top of their game.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-12-by-spotland-scrappers
Grapplezoners 26
Sam Jucator v Fendi Bambino & Joey Delgado v David Rocco
Two closely-fought mat matches. A treat for grappling fans.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-26-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Fives 3.0 Double
Vaz Lavisto v Matty Matalan & David Hitman v Young T.O.
First to five scores wins these grapplezone matches.
There's a welcome return for Matty whilst T.O makes his mat debut against the scissorman.
Spring Rolls
Andy Toflea v Super Mario & Sam Jucator v Vaz Lavisto
The guys spring into action with their own unique brand of knockabout in the ring.
Andy introduces Mario a big guy making his debut. Vaz the entertainer has a scream against Sam.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/spring-rolls-by-spotland-scrappers
I really enjoyed the Spring Rolls bout with ‘Super Mario’
'Thoroughly enjoyed both matches, the fun attitude and the pro gear, especially boots.
Liked Andy vs Super Mario, the catch weight scenario always appeals.
The second match was just pure fun, and love the snazzy kit as well.
Congrats to the boys!'
Grapplezoners 25
Franky Nadara v Andy Toflea
Franky starts off playing with young Andy, making him suffer in moves and not bothering to score,
but comes to realise that this trainee has learnt some skills of his own.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-25-by-spotland-scrappers
Grapplin Ring 5
Abel Rosso v Sam Jucator
Popular, experienced mentor and all-rounder Rosso is the star of this series,
and this time takes on the up & comer with the model looks Sam, barefoot in the ring.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplin-ring-5-by-spotland-scrappers
'a good little tussle between two fiery competitors with a point to prove!'
Crushsters 12 Double
David Hitman v Matty Matalan
The returning Matty struggles against powerful Hitman.
Abel Rosso v Benny Rompedor
Ever-popular Rosso breaks-in rookie Benny.
Trainees face experienced matmen and learn some hard lessons as the scores mount up!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/crushsters-12-double-by-spotland-scrappers
*** Spotland Lightweight Trophy ***
Sam Jucator v Andy Toflea
Two of Spotland's up and coming stars battle it out for the Lightweight Trophy
in a bout scheduled for 6 x 3 minute rounds.
Our Referee for this contest is Jack Kaye.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/lightweight-trophy-by-spotland-scrappers
Mat Tussles Double
Sam Jucator v Blondi Pantilimon
Sam introduces rookie Blondi in a training match.
Andy Toflea v Vaz Lavisto
Two contrasting guys as technical main man Andy faces bubbly warrior Vaz.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/mat-tussles-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Trials 8
Andy Toflea v Ben Rompedor
Ring grappling with an old-school look as newcomer Ben takes on Andy
who is rapidly gaining a reputation as an exciting prospect on the Spotland roster
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-trials-8-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Ranger
Rocco Ranger v Andy Toflea
Young trainee Andy tries his moves against the powerful masked Ranger
but gets overwhelmed in this fun scenario
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/the-ring-ranger-by-spotland-scrappers
Dark Times
Jack Nero v Young Teo
Rookie debutant Young Teo steps from the shadows into the tortuous clutches of Jack Nero
in this atmospheric 'dark match'
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/dark-times-by-spotland-scrappers
'Young Teo is a star, how on earth did he slam Jack?
Forearm smashes too. I loved him.'
Grapplezoners 24 Double
Sam Jucator v Andy Toflea
two trainees mentored by Abel show their ability under his watchful eyes
Franky Nadara v Abel Rosso
in an entertaining display of grappling skills by our two leading wrestlers
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-24-double-by-spotland-scrappers
Stars In Stripes
Joey Delgado v Abel Rosso
Two energetic, athletic wrestlers barefoot in the ring.
Both guys are out to win this battle to be the best on the Spotland roster
but will it be three stripes and you're out for young Joey
as Rosso taunts him with his surfboards?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/stars-in-stripes-by-spotland-scrappers
'An absolute cracker for Easter'
'The best video you have done so far! Great action and great holds.
Joey looked fantastic in those Adidas trunks.'
Beemat Fives 2.0
Sam Jucator v Vaz Lavisto
Abel Rosso v Andy Toflea
First to five scores on the mats wins both matches
featuring four lively members of our roster
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-fives-20-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Missions 11
David Hitman v Andy Toflea
Young Andy faces a severe test against experienced grappler Hitman
known for his range of painful submission moves.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-missions-11-by-spotland-scrappers
Three-Way Tangle
David Hitman v Sam Jucator v Vaz Lavisto
in an unorthodox grappling match
where three guys face each other at the same time to be the last one standing.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/three-way-tangle-by-spotland-scrappers
Custom Match kindly sponsored by Rheidol Productions.
'It was fantastic! The chaos of it all was exactly what I was looking for, and the guys really threw themselves into it.
It seemed enjoyable for them to film, which is always good, and there were lots of great and unique moments.'
Crushsters 11
Joey Delgado v Vaz Lavisto
David Rocco v Benny Rompador
Trainees Vaz & Benny face experienced matmen and learn some hard lessons
as the scores mount up!
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/crushsters-11-by-spotland-scrappers
Back Trouble
Abel Rosso v Vaz Lavisto
Smiling Abel hangs the riding rookie out to dry in this special Spotland Short video
which lift & carry fans will enjoy.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/back-trouble-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Pro 4
Jack Nero v Sam Jucator
Experienced Nero fancies himself as the model of pro wrestling
but finds rookie Sam hard to pin down in this fiery contest
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-pro-4-by-spotland-scrappers
Ring Moves 11
Sammy Scrapper v Joey Delgado
Will the young upstart be taught a lesson by this Spotland Legend
or will it be the final countdown for the last active founder member
and after ten glorious years is it time for Sammy to hand over the baton to the new order?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-moves-11-the-final-countdown-by-spotland-scrappers
Beemat Trials 35
Fendi Bambino v Danny Balla & Sam Jucator v Benny Rompedor
The latest in this series featuring new talent with more experienced guys sees
footballer Danny from Germany and vehicle scrapper Benny from Spain
introduced on the grapplezone.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/beemat-trials-35-by-spotland-scrappers
Funky Monkeys
Alex Tanner v Sam Jucator
in a fun, colourful & entertaining encounter
Ring Trials 7
David Rocco v Paul Gucci
Gucci is making his ring debut and Rocco enjoys using his power against rookies,
so will stocky Gucci get leathered?
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/ring-trials-7-by-spotland-scrappers
Grapplin Ring 4
Abel Rosso v David Hitman
Impish Rosso will need to be at his indomitable best to overcome Hitman's notorious array of leglocks
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplin-ring-4-by-spotland-scrappers
'love these two!'
Wild Cat Strikes
Custom Match
Joey Delgado v Sam Jucator
two lightweights wearing Puma trunks in a back and forth match
applying holds such as bearhugs and nelsons.
Sponsored by Jay's Customs.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/wild-cat-strikes-by-spotland-scrappers
'The action is non stop.'
The Masked Winger
Jack Nero v Johnny Hall
Globetrotting gladiator Nero faces an outlandish masked winger
seeking to take advantage of rookie ref Dave Ward
in this pro bout.
Download: https://getwrestle.com/p/the-masked-winger-by-spotland-scrappers
'... grizzled heel vs confident, heart on his sleeve babyface.'
Grapplezoners 23
Andy Toflea v Paul Gucci
Two trainees in our opener with smiling technician Andy taking on stocky battler Paul.
David Hitman v Sam Jucator
An intriguing contest as our experienced, skilful grappler & Matman of the Year Hitman
faces Most Promising Newcomer Sam described as one for the future.
Download at: https://getwrestle.com/p/grapplezoners-23-by-spotland-scrappers
'Sam was fantastic, many good moves. His head mare to back hammer was awesome.'
Lightning Moves
Abel Rosso v Timo Mare
Abel deservedly received the Accolade of Group Mentor for 2022.
Here he demonstrates his ability in a 'training match' with hairy monster rookie Timo!
Download: Buy Now
'Good to see Timo back in the ring. Great match with Abel. Credit to both guys.'
Ring Pro 3
Jack Nero v Andy Toflea
Young up-and-comer Andy takes on hardened ring vet Jack in a hard-fought battle.
Andy's looking to make his mark at The Loft in only his second ring match
whilst Nero wants to get back to winning ways after a string of losses.
Both guys fancy themselves as the latest model but who will leave the ring with their reputation enhanced?
This makes for a fiery contest, culminating in an intense climax with both guys putting it all on the line.
Download: Buy Now
'... just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the match. Lots of the pro stuff I like, bostons, camels and body slams. Impressed by Andy slamming Jack, especially.
Love Andy’s cocky boy persona, and him suffering in Jack’s torture rack. All in all, entertaining and great fun. 👍!'
Two Way Stretch
Joey Delgado v Fendi Bambino
lively lycra lads on the grapplezone competing for the Matman Trophy!
Download: Buy Now
'A very competitive contest between two worthy opponents!'
Ring Moves Special Edition
Festive Double-Header
Franky Nadara v Sam Jucator
will rookie Sam be dismantled by seasoned Spotland veteran Franky
or can the young lad spring a surprise?
Abel Rosso v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
Wily fox Abel and power force Rocco go toe-to-toe. Whose ring is it anyway?
*** Our Seasonal Special comes with Greetings from everyone at Spotland Scrappers ***
Download: Buy Now
Flat Out
Franky Nadara v Andy Toflea in the opening match
followed by a 'winner stays on' mini-tournament
of five minute matches with
Abel Rosso, Andy Toflea, & Sam Jucator.
Points awarded for holding opponent's back to mats.
A treat for fans of grapevines & cross presses!
Download: Buy Now
Double X
David Rocco & Fendi Bambino v Jack Nero
David is frustrated after his tough encounter with Spotland's cocky veteran
and enlists Fendi's help this time!
Download: Buy Now
Retro Fit
Abel Rosso v Sam Jucator
wearing vintage trunks in the ring
will newbie Sam be able to resist the power of Rosso?
Download: Buy Now
Beemat Trials 34
David Rocco v Vaz Lavisto
Abel Rosso v Andy Toflea
Trainees Vaz & Andy face experienced matmen on the grapplezone
as part of their learning experience.
Ring Trials 6
David Rocco v Andy Toflea
Andy makes his ring debut
and another bright-eyed, bushy tailed rookie is fed to our newbie destroyer
Download: Buy Now
'What a cracking match!
David v Andy was out of the top drawer, both deserve huge congratulations.
David for wrestler of year.'
Twister Fest
Custom Match
Franky Nadara v Abel Rosso v Sam Jucator
in a 'winner stays on' mat practice
where the victor has to apply the guillotine (or twister) ground move.
Download: Buy Now
Match kindly sponsored by Twister Fate.
'Nice match my friends, lots of good holds plus the guillotine ... Thanks and enjoyed.'
Foot Lockers 2
Custom Match
Franky Nadara v Abel Rosso
Rosso's wearing skinny jeans, sneakers & no-show socks, whilst Franky is in wrestling gear.
The focus is on ankle locks/foot locks/toe holds performed by Franky on Rosso.
Download: Buy Now
Match kindly sponsored by Jays Customs.
'Fantastic! Great job on the filming and the wrestlers performed exceedingly well.
Thank you so much for your continued great work and your focus on creating a fully customizable match.
You guys are the best!'
Corner Plots
Joey Delgado v Jack Nero
Buckle-up for an action-packed medley.
The first round winner takes his opponents flag;
there's a hard-hitting chain link; and a no-holds-barred finale,
as these two experienced wrestlers go head-to-head!
Download: Buy Now
'Their mischievious tricks are a treat for all this Halloween!'
'Wow. I can't say I have ever seen anything like it!'
Luchadores Enmascarados 2
David Rocco v Zac Le Cache
Rocco is gaining a reputation as a rookie wrecker
and this time shows his power playing with a masked jobber!
Download: Buy Now
It's great to see David having some fun and growing in confidence!'
Beemat Fives
first to five on the grapplezone
David Hitman v Andy Toflea
Andy has a tough introduction to the mats from Hitman
Vaz Pitesti v Cris Armani
a welcome return match for these two grapplers
Download: Buy Now
'Good to see the Hitman back at his evil best.'
Ring Pro 2
Jack Nero v Abel Rosso
two leading members of our roster
in a pro-style contest with an old-school look
Download: Buy Now
Turbo Power
Franky Nadara v David Rocco
Experienced ringman Nadara faces hefty rookie battler Rocco
with Referee Alex Carling answering the call "Ask Him Ref!"
Download: Buy Now
'That's a cool match. Nice to see Franky and I didn't recognise David at first!'
'A really tough contest between a seasoned veteran and a promising up and comer.'
Crushsters 10
David Rocco v Paul Gucci & Fendi Bambino v Sam Jucator
Rocco expects to outgun rookie Paul
but Fendi doesn't have it all his own way against determined newcomer Sam
Download: Buy Now
Pride Power 3
Abel Rosso v Sammy Scrapper
legendary scrapper pursues his prey mercilessly
but will pride come before a fall
in the finale of this summer's special series
Download: Buy Now
Ring Moves 10
Jack Nero v David Rocco
We welcome back globetrotting pro wrestler Jack Nero to face up-and-coming Rocco
in a sporting competitive contest. Rocco has been training hard for this opportunity
but will Nero's experience be too much for him this time?
Download: Buy Now
Ring Trials 5
David Rocco v Fendi Bambino
Fendi is excited to be making his ring debut against lively competitor Rocco
Download: Buy Now
'I bought this movie & really it’s great art!'
Summer Grease
Abel Rosso v David Rocco
It's a special summer night on The Loft oilzone
as up and comer Rocco aims to show Rosso's career is on the slide
but will Rocco finish belly-up?
Download: Buy Now
'This video is truly one of my favorites, Al Rosso is always a wonderful wrestler, and now he is becoming so playful.
I loved how David became playful back with Al whose sliding across the mat was great.
My favorite scene was when David tickled Al's foot and Al screamed.
I hope these two will wrestle each other again sometime. They are very fun duo to watch.'
Pride Power 2
Al Rosso v Joey Delgado
bearhug fans will enjoy this one with both guys going all out for the win
in an action-packed ring match
Download: Buy Now
It's great how Joey smiles when inflicting pain.'

Download: Buy Now
Beach Boyz 2
Abel 'The Beast' Rosso - Fendi Bambino - David 'Rocco' Uzbek
beach wrestling on the sand dunes for this summer's mini-tournament
Download: Buy Now
Grapplezoners 21 & 22
David 'Rocco' Uzbek v Joey Delgado & Vaz Pitesti v Cris 'Supersonic' Armani
turbo-charged rumbles on the mats
Download Bundle: Buy Now
Alpha Wolf
Lobo Gris v Abel Rosso
both guys like to show off but who will have the winners pose?
Download: Buy Now
'A really good contest. Great to see Abel using his pro skills but he found Wolf hard to stop!'
Chinlock Challenge
Abel Rosso v Joey Delgado
in a Spotland Short match for fans of the camel clutch move.
The guys go neck 'n neck for the winning submission!
Download: Buy Now
Beemat Trials 32
Joey Delgado v newbie Paul Gucci
'Wow, where do you find them? Paul Gucci one for the future ...'
Beemat Trials 31
Spotland favourite Joey Delgado introduces new kid on the block Fendi Bambino
Download: Buy Now
'Loved Joey and Fendi. Joey had to up his game to contain his stocky opponent.
Hope to see more of him. One for the future.'
Pride Power
Pride Month Special
Al Rosso v David Hitman
Tigerish Rosso in funky trunks faces his nemesis Hitman
Download: Buy Now
'Very good. Quite an intense encounter!'
'David and Al keep getting better and better.
Lots of fast action, clever holds, and superb closeups and angle shots.'
Grapplezoners 20
Joey Delgado faces heavyweight trainee Timo Mare
'Will Timo be too much for Joey to handle?'
Download: Buy Now
Ring Missions 10
Al Rosso v Matty Matalan & Joey Delgado v Cris Armani
Trainees Matty & Cris have return matches with their mentors
Download: Buy Now
'Another cracker. Loved Joey dominate poor Chris.'
Pro Club 14
Abel Rosso v Vaz Pitesti
in a lightweight Brit Pro bout scheduled for 8x3min rounds
with two falls or submissions, or one knockout to decide the winner.
Referee for this contest is Nigel Crabtree
Download: Buy Now
'... give those two young men a huge compliment and pat on the back from me ... that was absolutely awesome ...
the action was constant yet they held certain holds when it was called for, like Rosso holding that difficult suspended grapevine longer than anyone I can remember
... they added some moves I hadnt seen your guys use for a long time like the russian leg sweep ... it was a total pleasure to watch.'
'Vaz v Abel right out of the top drawer. Loved it. Credit to both wrestlers.'
Loblo Scrapper
Lobo Gris v Sammy Scrapper
Classic muscleboy action between Spotland Legend and visiting Mexican wrestler
Download: Buy Now
'... a cool dynamic ... the 'low blow' thing added a different twist and it was quite funny too.'
'Sammy was great as ever.' 'Such a good match-up.'
'Just to say how much I enjoyed watching this. To me, it was one of the best in recent times.
The interplay between the two guys was great, the banter, the low blows etc.
The selling as each of them in turn was pounded in the corner was sublime. A nice long meaty match too.
Lobo is a natural, infectious grin, good looking and muscly, great foil for Scrapper.'
Bear Baiting
Custom Match
Bo Bearly v Al Rosso
Rosso mistakenly winds Bearly up, being cheeky, catching his heavyweight opponent with some fast moves, then pays for it.
Bo enjoys targeting the arms, shoulders, and some back/abs work too, leading up to his favourite submission holds.
Download: Buy Now
Sponsored by Top Wrestler
Grapplezoners 19
Vaz Pitesti v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
Trainee David performs well against his more experienced opponent
David Hitman v Al Rosso
an intense mat match between these two skilled rivals
Download: Buy Now
Split Ends
a ScrapEx production
Sammy Scrapper v David Hitman
with an array of splits 'n spladles!
Download: Buy Now
'Thank you kindly for accommodating my requests in ScrapEx 3.This is exactly the action I hoped I would see David and Sammy doing on the mat!
For me, it's a real Gold Mine of leg and scissor holds; I like the stretching, while the wonderful camera work and closeup shots
highlight this fantastic display of technical skills by these fine Spotland wrestlers.'
Ring Trials 4
Joey Delgado v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
Rocco bounces into the ring like a spring lamb
but will he be for the chop by foxy Delgado?
'... newbie gets well heeled in an enjoyable bout.'
Davey Boy Braha v Cris 'Supersonic' Armani
Will smiling Supersonic be Davey Boy's latest victim?
Download: Buy Now
Turbo Challenge
Franky Nadara v El Turbo
El Turbo makes a welcome return with his mentor Franky
and they have some new moves in store for each other!
Will experience prevail?
Download: Buy Now
Lobo Luchando
Lobo Gris v Joey Delgado
Slimline grappler Joey aims to use his speed and skills
to spring a surprise on powerful Mexican wrestler Lobo
in this hard fought mat match.
Download: Buy Now
Custom Match
Franky Nadara v Al Rosso
The guys start wrestling in jeans and trainers, but no socks. They strip the other of their shoes.
Franky puts Al in several holds, for instance the figure four leg lock, and tickles Al's feet.
Rosso wants a proper match and gets annoyed by what he sees as Franky's cheating.
Download: Buy Now
Sponsored by Tickling Incorporated
'Thank you so much for being willing to make this video for me .. I really enjoyed it.
I think you do great work. I love your videos.'
Bear Feet
Custom Match
Bo Bearly v Joey Delgado
in a heel/jobber squash match.
Bo focuses his attacks on Joey's legs/ankles/feet, slowly and methodically working them over.
Joey starts out confident and somewhat cocky, escaping a couple of holds early on,
but his frustration grows as the heel keeps twisting his ankles!
Download: Buy Now
Sponsored by Jays Customs
'Both Joey and Bo were fantastic in this match!
In particular, Bo had a great range of holds he was able to use ...
the trash talking by Bo was really great, I loved every second of it!'
ScrapEx 2 - Spotlando 69ers
Sammy Scrapper v David Hitman
in a Headscissor Battle!
Download: Buy Now
ScrapEx Productions feature experienced wrestlers led by
Sammy Scrapper from the Team Spotland roster
in more extreme match scenarios.
It's the best scissors match I've ever seen!'
Blue Jeans 3
Vaz Pitesti v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
Rocco enjoys smiling at his video fans but will that be his undoing?
Download: Buy Now
Caught Napping
Comic Relief Funraiser 2022
Sammy Scrapper with Cris 'Supersonic' Armani & Vaz Pitesti
A new kid arrives at the gym for a session with trainer Sammy.
All is going well until he gets things wrong, and Sammy loses his cool.
Sammy starts to fight for real, and the trainee shouts for help.
Download: Buy Now
All proceeds to Comic Relief
'... whatever you do, no matter how small, you can help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination.
This includes funding organisations that are supporting people right now in Ukraine, and those attempting to cross the border.
Because you have the power to change lives.'
Grapplin Ring 3
Sammy Scrapper v Al Rosso
Rosso has made this series his own but how will he get on against a Spotland legend?
Download: Buy Now
Joey Delgado v El Calavera
Popular ring technician Delgado faces a mysterious masked skulldugger!
Download: Buy Now
Crushsters 8
David Hitman v Vaz Pitesti
strong, wiry & wily Hitman aims to overpower slimline Vaz
with his fearsome leg locks in this vigorous "first to ten scores" grapple.
Download: Buy Now
Beemat Trials 29
Joey Delgado v Cris 'Super Sonic' Armani with Referee Alex Carling
Trainee Cris will have his work cut out against our experienced technician Joey.
David 'Rocco' Uzbek introduces Zac Aurar on the grapplezone.
Powerful Rocco introduces newbie Zac to the mats in this supporting match.
Download: Buy Now
'It was a pleasure to watch. Kris looked great in the blue speedo.
They applied good holds to one another and both wanted to win in this back n forth well done video.'
Whip Round
Custom Match
Joey Delgado v Cris Armani
Cocky Joey goes into a quick lead against the rookie.
Then Cris starts a comeback with headlock takedowns, whips and bostons to weaken Delgado's back.
It turns into a match of two halves.
Download: Buy Now
'Joey did 3 things I really liked: the surfboard which is great move, the suspended grapevine, then the guillotine.
Cris did okay, he knows quite a bit, not as polished as Joey or Rosso yet, but potential.'
All proceeds from Whip Round will be donated to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Three Steps
Jack Nero v Abel Rosso
A Three Degrees of Pain variation two out of three falls match
where a wrestler must achieve a victory in the specific order of
a pinfall, submission, and the third by knockout.
Download: Buy Now
Ring Moves 9
Sammy Scrapper v Vaz Pitesti
up & coming Pitesti faces veteran Scrapper
Download: Buy Now
We now offer an extra option to rent specially selected videos at a lower price, which you can then stream only for 48hrs.
'A really great contest of power vs speed! Vaz sure has his work cut out.'
'The younger wrestlers can learn a lot about all aspects of ring action from Sammy ... some trash talking adds to it ...
good to see Sammy back in the ring ... kept himself in pretty decent shape ... he really knows his way around a ring and knows the moves.'
'Kudos to Vaz for executing that tough Boscik special. Spectacular move.'
'Really enjoyed the production even more so with Sammy being back in action.
He looked so much at home in the ring with Vaz a perfect match.'
Groundhug Day
Bo Bearly v Al Rosso
Al starts off well thanks to his speed and agility but Bo takes control
and starts using his size advantage to crush Al in a series of dominating moves.
Will Al survive the onslaught?
Download: Buy Now
Custom Match sponsored by Pain & Abel Promotions
'Fantastic match! Really pleased with the result.'
Balloon Busters
Joey Delgado v Vaz Pitesti
in Franky's Birthday Bash.
Both guys pop one of their opponents ten balloons for each fall gained during the match.
Who will be the burst to ten?
Download: Buy Now
'A fiercely competitive contest with some impressive power moves thrown in for good measure.
Joey and Vaz really put it all on the line!'
'Both lads are in it to win it and coach Franky's presence at ringside sees them both give it all they've got!'
'Excellent fight, very technical!
Joey Delgado was admired for his technique but was he able to overcome Vaz? Answer in this well filmed video!'
'Joey showed a nicely done lift upside down to a backbreaker ... hadn't seen that from him before
... and got that goran's back to back ... a spectacular move ... congratulate them both
... really well done ... that made my wrestling week!'
Vaz has come a long way after joey first beat him in the ring.
It was great to see two guys go at it back n forth like that. I was breathless!'
Turbo Mission 2
Franky Nadara v Alberto Rosso
Rosso is sporting our popular colourful trunks as he takes on group leader Franky barefoot in the ring
Download: Buy Now
Ring Missions 9
Custom Match
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado
these guys have a score to settle following their two recent mat matches
and step into the ring this time for another entertaining contest.
Sponsored by Jay's Customs.
Download: Buy Now
'Alex sure got to beat up Joey in some great moves ... he looked good in the white trunks, definitely prefer them
... love watching a back n forth match not all one sided. '
'Alex has really come on ... in this match there were several new moves used that I dont believe I had seen before ... and they were well done.'
Beemat Trials 28
Two more contests in the Beemat Trials series
featuring raw newcomers against more experienced guys on our roster
Vaz Pitesti v debutant Gazza Goddard
with Referee Alex Carling
Experienced grappler Al Rosso v Cris Armani
with Referee Joey Stripes
Download: Buy Now
Figure It Out
Custom Match
Franky Nadara v Al Rosso
in a pro wrestler v mat grappler Headscissor Challenge scenario.
Who can make the other tap 3 times in their headscissors?
Download: Buy Now
Belt Test
Custom Match
Jack 'TKD' Nero v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
in a TKD fighter v wrestler scenario
for fans of crabs, leglocks, fig 4's & splits!
Sponsored by Uniforia
Download: Buy Now
This is amazing! Nero was perfect for the role!
I appreciate him being maskless ... really love his fresh haircut too.
Thank you so much!
Slimline Tonic 2
Vaz Pitesti v newcomer Mo Broom
Referee Joey Stripes oversees this "First to Ten" mat contest,
the second in a series featuring lightweight members of our roster.
Will strong wiry Vaz gain his expected victory or will rookie Mo serve him a slice of lemon?
Download: Buy Now
'Good match but experience was telling.'
Bo Bearly makes his Spotland debut
Bear Grudges
Jack Nero v Bo Bearly
This classic tale of good vs evil pits technique against brute force
as the resilient Jack Nero takes on the dastardly Bo Bearly in a heavyweight battle.
Will spirit and prowess prevail or will the giant's power and dirty tricks prove too much for Jack?
Will he lose his mask - and the match?
Download: Buy Now
'Top match, really enjoyable.'
Grapplin Ring 2
Al Rosso v Joey Delgado
Barefoot fighting in the ring with two evenly-matched opponents
'An aggressive promission bout ...'
'I loved the energy, speed and technical prowess of Al and Joey in Grapplin Ring 2!'
Blue Jeans 2
Joey Delgado v Vaz 'Xess' Pitesti
Joey thinks he can dance wearing blue jeans forever
but hoodied Vaz has other ideas in this ring match
between two of our brilliant smaller cut diamonds!
Download: Buy Now
'I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before. Cool idea.'
For me, it really strikes the perfect balance between all elements.'
in our Beatdown Boyz series

Joey Delgado v Vaz Pitesti
in an abs-test challenge using punches, forearms, kicks and shoulders,
with their opponent against the ring corner pad.
Download / Stream on our Gumroad channel: Buy Now
Sixpenny Opera
Custom Match
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado on the Grapplezone.
Our little sixpence is out for revenge after his recent Trophy loss to Delgado.
'... really fast paced action . . . some nice new moves used ... they seemed to be really into it
... always adding new stuff makes them more enjoyable ... just dont forget the good stuff you learned before
... and cool trunks too.'
'A sterling performance from Tanner.'
Download: Buy Now
Sponsored by CoolCustomz
'The match was outstanding !!!! Loved it. Tanner worked on Joey big time.
Very inventive holds I've never seen and he enjoyed locking up Joey. Cocky attitude made it even better.
Please tell the guys they did a great job. Thank you very much.'
Nero's Fire
Jack Nero v Franky Nadara
Nero takes time off from burning Rome to face Spotland's group leader Nadara.
What starts as a wrestling clinic steadily descends into chaos,
with everything from technical prowess to low blows and dirty tactics!
Download: Buy Now
Paperweight Trophy
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado
The sparks fly in our inaugural Paperweight (under 60 kgs) Championship match
Referee is Tommy Gunn
Download: Buy Now
'Fantastic to see Alex in action again ... an array of wonderful holds and submissions.'
Ninja Scissors
Vaz Pitesti v Joey Delgado
Fans of scissor & fig.4 moves will enjoy this 'first to ten' challenge
with two of our nippy lightweights.
Download: Buy Now
'Joey in an immense match with Vaz.
Joey at his very best, great submissions. Never tire of watching him.'

Mascat Mauler v Vaz Pitesti
Vaz faces his biggest challenge yet
but will he find out the identity of this mysterious masked wrestler?
Download: Buy Now
'Thoroughly enjoyed! Intense jobber vs heel match, with a great pro vibe.
Lots of the stuff I like, Boston’s galore, and a torture rack submission.
Vaz was great, roughly handled and thrown around the ring, submitting then coming back for more.
Masked guy was great, showing no mercy. Only thing I missed was a couple of bodyslams 😅. Now, who can it be....!?'
Grapplin Ring
Al Rosso v Doro Mutoryn
barefoot grapplin in the ring
Download: Buy Now
'Al Rosso has learned so much and he's clearly transferring some of the pro stuff too which is great.'
Grapplezoners 18
Davey Boy Braha v Cris Armani
Experienced Davey doesn't have it all his own way against up and comer Cris
in this grapplezone battle
David Hitman v Joey Delgado
two skilful grapplers on the mats
will strong wiry David out-gun speedy young Joey?
Download: Buy Now
Slimline Tonic
Grappler Vaz Pitesti v newcomer Super Sonic Cris Armani
with Referee Joey Delgado overseeing this "First to Ten" mat contest.
Will strong wiry wrestler Vaz gain his expected victory or will rookie Sonic be shaken but not stirred?
Kicking-off a new series featuring lightweight members of our roster.
Download: Buy Now
'Cris is a keeper. Great add on to your lightweights roster.'
Emperor Rules
Jack Nero v Timo Mare
Nero gets a grip of Timo but will the tyrant be tamed by the novice grappler?
Enjoy this hard-hitting scrap, packed with holds, strikes plus a touch of rule breaking
as two of Spotland's big boys go toe-to-toe.
Referee is Alex Carling.
Download: Buy Now
Custom Match
David Hitman v Joey Delgado
in a customised variation on an ironman match, where the guys wrestle for up to 30 minutes with multiple falls.
After each fall the wrestlers have a ten count to get to their feet and return to the corner, at which point the match resumes.
A wrestler who is unable to return to their corner before the count of ten loses the match;
otherwise the winner is the wrestler who secures the most falls in 30 minutes.
Download: Buy Now
Match Sponsor
Sam Beckett
You delivered every moment I asked for, and the inbetween action was better than anything I could have devised myself.
Joey and David used holds wonderfully, and Alex was a great referee, creating exactly the ironman format I asked for.
Thank you all so much!'
'A good little tussle with some cool moves.
The music is very intense ... Edgy!'
Beach Boyz
summer seaside fun
Vaz Pitesti v Timo Mare & Joey Delgado v Vaz Pitesti
in and out of the water on the beaches at Freshfield & New Brighton, Merseyside.
Download: Buy Now
'Another great production.
Not sure I would want to wrestle in the sea but very enjoyable.
Once again loved Timo and Joey, Vaz continues to impress.'
Beemat Trials 27
Joey Delgado v Doro Mutoryn & Davey Boy Braha v David 'Rocco' Uzbek
Two energetic grapplezone contests in the Beemat Trials series
showcasing raw newcomers against more experienced guys on our roster.
Download: Buy Now
Jack Nero v Joey Delgado
Brit Pro returns to The Loft in this action-packed battle
between self-proclaimed pretty-boy, Jack Nero and up-and-comer, Joey Delgado.
Will fighting the good fight pay-off for Joey or will Jack's bad-boy tricks prove too much
for the young scrapper making his much anticipated pro debut?
Our Referee for this contest is Nigel Crabtree.
Match kindly sponsored by The Welsh Wizard.
Download: Buy Now
'I totally love it!
Jack has developed quite a cocky attitude, don't mess with him!
It's another fantastic match from your team.'
'Jack always at home at the Loft and Joey really shone throughout the bout, a very quick learner ...
pass on my compliments to both the lads for a very enjoyable bout ...
good entertainment.'
'... a very good match and a special note for Joey who was remarkable for his pro debut!
a little stressed at the beginning, he let go and placed good holds. Facing Jack more used to this kind of fight, Joey was at the top level.
I am impatient to see his second pro fight! A good note also to the referee.
Great show! We want more!
Grapplezoners 17
Al Rosso v Doro Mutoryn in an intense grapplezone contest
Download: Buy Now
A good hard fought match. Rosso is a good submission wrestler ...'
Georgie Flame
Davey Boy Braha v Joey Delgado
The popular pair wearing flash trunks in their latest colourful ring encounter
'Another top video. Both Joey and David always impress.
Maybe Davey could fight Timo, now that would be interesting.'
Ring Points
Davey Boy Braha v Vaz Pitesti with Referee Alex Carling
There's ten points at stake in this lively ring encounter.
The more experienced Davey expects to give newbie Vaz a lesson,
while Ref Alex awards the points and looks out for rope breaks!
Download: Buy Now
'Thoroughly enjoyed its pro style vibe, and strikes me how
Davey's quite a bit bigger since lockdown, racking his opponent with ease.
Love the enthusiasm and his growing strength and skill. Vaz too puts on a good show.'
Crushsters 7
Vaz Pitesti v newcomer Timo Mare in a SleeperFest!
will determined Vaz fight off the smiling Hairy Monster?
'Blown away with newcomer Timo, he looks one for the future ...
that fig 4 leg submission looked brutal, can honestly say never seen it before locked like that.'
Download: Buy Now
Grapple Bundle 5
Alberto Rosso introduces Vaz Pitesti in Beemat Trials 25
plus Vaz Pitesti v newcomer Timo Mare in Crushsters 7.
Highlight matches from two recent productions
showcasing new Team Spotland trainees on our grapplezone.
*** Buy two matches and second is half-price! ***
Ring Trials 3
Joey Delgado v Vaz Pitesti
Vaz makes his ring debut in this fast-moving lightweight contest
that has an "old-school" look
Download: Buy Now
'This was one of your best lightweight bouts. Ever. Rematch please ...
They have good chemistry.
Love the ankle boots. Reminds me of the 50s /60s style.'
'Joey looks strong and confident
with some viciousness ...
definitely keep this up.'
'The lads should be really pleased. They did a great job.'
Foot Lockers
David Hitman v Al Rosso
Hitman focuses his attacks on Rosso's legs/ankles/feet
in this sponsored custom match
Download: Buy Now
"That was fantastic! Al Rosso and David Hitman nailed it, production was top notch,
and the direction was exactly as I had envisioned it! Idk what else to say, thank you!"
Beemat Trials 26
David Hitman v Doro Mutoryn
Experienced grappler Hitman introduces raw rookie Doro.
Doro looks powerful but will he be able to cope with Hitman's punishing scissors & fig 4 moves?

in our Rainbow Special to mark Pride Month
'Good wrestling and very entertaining to watch. Great holds from both!'

Al Rosso v Davey Boy Braha
Davey's Birthday Bash is a 'street fight' against Al.
As chaotic mat action spills into the ring
will these rebels with a cause wearing blue jeans (forever?) resolve their differences?

Bruno Baccy v Davey Boy Braha
in a lively contest between two of our more experienced grapplers

Franky Nadara v Al 'TKD' Rosso
This custom match sponsored by Uniforia
will be enjoyed by fans of uniforms, leg locks, toe holds, figure4's, banana splits, & crabs !
exactly how I wanted it to be shot, camera-wise, and the leg locks were just great!
Al was definitely a great choice for the Taekwondo guy.
You guys are easy to work with and I really enjoyed the creativity.'
Turbo Dragon

Davey Boy Braha v Vaz Pitesti
the guys are sporting turbo and tackle trunks
in this grapplezone contest

Bruno Baccy v Al Rosso
Baccy makes a welcome return to the mats
in this lively encounter with the ever-improving Rosso
They are very well balanced and had a great fighting attitude.'
Ring Moves 7

Franky Nadara v Joey Delgado
has the hallmarks of a classic teacher / pupil rumble
but Franky will have to work hard to tame his student
who scores well for effort in this display of wrestling skills.
Download: Buy Now
'Nadara shows why he is very talented. It was a good lesson in wrestling moves, very smooth transitions.
Hopefully Joey wil learn from this how good a match can be when you move smoothly and intelligently from one applied move to another.
Joey has a great work ethic, and no matter how well he gets pinned or submitted, he just keeps coming back for more and wanting to get into it again.
Great attitude.'
'One of the best you've taped.'
Ring Trials 2

Al Rosso v Matt 'The Hammer' Matalan
Rosso tries his moves but rookie Matt is no pushover in this sporting ring contest
Download: Buy Now
in our Beatdown Boyz series

Al Rosso v David Uzbek
Rosso enjoys nothing more than stepping into the ring with boxing gloves on.
The pocket dynamo faces jelly tot rookie Uzbek.

Joey Delgado v Dan Chappell
Lanky Dan is determined not to be a pushover for smiling technician Joey
with Referee Tommy Gunn overseeing this shoot out!
Even Joey's fans have commented on his quick counts,
so Tommy has been brought in to ensure fair play.
'Another top quality production.
The trainees are doing very well. Looking forward to seeing some more of them ...'

Davey Boy Braha (Army) v Joey Delgado (Navy)
two Spotland favourites parade their wrestling skills
in bullseye gear with a services theme

a colourful energetic contest between two well-matched wrestlers with an array of moves
in our ring promission series
Spar King Cloggers 1

Al Rosso v Gypsy Tom
a match blending body punching and grappling styles
filmed close to the action in The Loft Studio ring

Alberto Rosso introduces Vaz Pitesti

Alberto Rosso v Alex Tanner
two lively performers on the mats

David Hitman v Davey Braha
Smiling assassin Hitman has Davey Boy tied in knots!
Untamed Creatures

Devilish Davey & Tigerish Joey return in their Tackle Trunks !
'... good match ... they are making more and better use of the corners ... kneeing and everything ...
great across the shoulder torture rack ... well done ... enjoyed watching.'
'I enjoyed joey punching davey down to the canvas right out of the ab stretch .
I noticed they also have started adding more trash talk!'
Boxing Championship

David Hitman v Alberto Rosso in Spar King Championship Bout One.
The Spotland Scrappers have a reputation for producing sporty, energetic and technical wrestling contests,
and now put the gloves on to show the same qualities in our King of the Ring Championship.
The slim, athletic Hitman is a powerful puncher and his corner pummelling might prove too much for a game challenger.
Will he be Spar King or Sparked Out?
Ring Moves 6

Franky Nadara v Alberto Rosso
Popular Rosso is learning to take his grappling skills into ring pro style wrestling,
and takes on singlet-clad group leader Franky who shows his experience with a range of moves.
Download: Buy Now

Bert Ruben v Dan Mare
two determined grapplers
in Ruben's last appearance filmed prior to lockdown

Alberto Rosso v Davey Braha
in competitive mat action
Download: Buy Now
Triple Turbo
three for two product bundle!

Powerful Ruben struts his stuff against turbo-clad lightweight Rosso.
'I think Ruben is a natural in the ring.'

David Hitman v El Turbo in Hitman's Birthday Bash!
'Love it! .. Hitman all over El Turbo like a rash ... liked the look on El Turbo.'

Alberto Rosso v Joey Delgado
twin turbos in the ring
and for Rosso a big improvement ... this time he was on the offense more.'
'I will say without a doubt that the match with Joey and Alberto is one of the best I have ever seen.
The gear and the wrestling are so good and they are both about the same size.'
'I really enjoyed Turbo Chargers. Alberto and Joey put on a tremendous wrestling performance.
A good bit of aggression especially with the throws and drop kicks. I liked the combination of moves they put together.
Grapplezoners 12

our pocket battler Tanner up against mat technician Delgado

Davey Braha v Adrian Malloy
both guys are out to win a competitive contest
Great wrestling gear, especially Davey's.
The two bouts are evenly matched and all wrestlers gave really good performances.
Wrestling like this really is the ultimate contact sport.

Max Morrison v Matt 'The Hammer' Matalan
rookie lightweight Matt is slowly destroyed by singlet-clad heavyweight bro Max

Franky Nadara v Davey Boy Braha
the guys show off their new pro gear as a trainee takes on his trainer
in a lively contest with plenty of give and take.

'Winner Stays On' training exercise led by Franky Nadara
with Joey Delgado, Davey Braha, Alex Tanner & Matty Matalan

Alex Tanner v Matty Matalan
pocket battler Alex faces tall rookie Matt in vintage square-cuts

Joey Delgado v Davey Boy Braha
our dynamic duo are back for a mat tussle
Keep them coming.'
and it is good to see their skills improving.
I really liked the abstretches ... and the leg splits Joey used several times on Davey.'
'I bought and liked it a lot! Bravo to the wrestlers.'

David Hitman v Joey Delgado
Joey faces a tough snapping heel Hitman with his dirty tactics!
Download: Buy Now
'... the moves were all done well and smoothly
and it is good experience for Joey against someone who can dominate him.'
'Brilliant. 100% from both guys. I loved it. A* video.'
'The bout was excellent and was full of exciting high quality wrestling.'
'Great action from both guys and good range of holds that are well executed.
A pleasure to watch and at a reasonable price.'

Joey Delgado v Davey Boy Braha
can you spot new moves the guys have been learning
and will they be perfectly executed?
I did not expect this, not to the level they went ... great match.
The guys showed terrific improvement, and willingness to learn ...'

Joey Delgado v Dan Chappell
Promising newcomer Joey has quickly become a fans favourite
while the taller Dan makes his ring debut

David Hitman v Davey Boy Braha
Young Davey Boy faces tough grappler Hitman
Ring Missions 6
Davey Boy Braha v Alberto Rosso
with a classic red v blue look and moves to match!
Bert Ruben v Joey Delgado
slim technician Joey has his work cut out against posing Ruben
Download: Buy Now
Our Ring Missions series features Spotland's group of wrestlers using their mat skills
in promission style contests under the ring spotlights.
I particularly like how the wrestlers all look as though they really enjoy wrestling. They improve with each bout.
There are a good variety of throws and wrestling moves, in the British tradition.
The camera work is excellent and I like it that you use one camera, which takes you into the ring with the lads.
Club Hammer
in our Beatdown Boyz series
David Hitman v Matt 'The Hammer' Matalan
in a match combining elements of boxing & grappling, with body punching (no head punching).
Plus action replays of body punching sequences.
Will Spotland's experienced Hitman be too powerful for rookie Matt?
Download at our Gumroad Shop: Buy my product
Grapplezoners 10
Joey Delgado v Adrian Malloy
our most promising newcomer uses his technical skills against the bulkier Malloy
David Hitman v Matty "The Hammer" Matalan
the guys are trying out their new masks in this mat battle.
Will it end with a Matt finisher or a crash mat?
Download: Buy Now
'Another top video. The Hammer has a good future.
They need to go in ring for a match as they both like to throw each other about.
Joey put up a good fight as usual.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to every week and the hope of a new video.'
Ring Missions 5
Bert Ruben v Davey Boy Braha
in our popular ring promission series
David "Bad Boy" Hitman v Alberto Rosso
Hitman's in a dominating mood as he aims to give Rosso a return ticket to the locker room
Download: Buy Now
Filmed prior to current Covid-19 lockdown.
'Two very good bouts.
Think you have found a great pairing of Davey and Bert.
Both of them worked hard to entertain with a lively fun bout
that reminded me of Sammy and Smiler and had that mischievous touch.
The other bout with David v Alberto was far more intense.
You can tell the Hitman gives no quarter in his bouts and likes to win.
Bet Alberto had a few aches and pains from that tussle!'
'Ring Missions 5 is an A* production.
Hitman is turning into a top wrestler.
Keep them coming.'
Beemat Trials 23
Joey Delgado
Team Spotland's "Most Promising Newcomer 2020" Award Winner
Joey Delgado v Davey Braha on the grapplezone
Joey Delgado v Bert Ruben
Download: Buy Now
Filmed prior to current Tier 4 Covid-19 restrictions.
'Great way to end the year, can't wait to see what 2021 brings.
Looks like you have more newbies coming through.'
Styles Clash
Jack Nero v Davey Boy Braha
Davey Boy sets out to prove that our pro stars
don't have what it takes in the world of promission.
In this scrappy 'best of three' may the best wrestler win.
Download: Buy Now
Can see Davy turning into a good one. I can see where his speciallity will lie as well.'
He's coming along well, needs to gain more confidence in his moves ... a really good experience for him.
But i dont think that one kick was intended to be placed that low. hahah.'
'Both wrestlers give and take alike and makes for a very enjoyable match.'
it was enjoyable to watch and they had good ring presence throughout.'
Dragons Den
Custom Match

Davey Boy Braha v Joey Delgado
Davey the dragon tackles the tigerish Joey!
Download: Buy Now
Fans of the Indian Deathlock and Tackle Trunks will enjoy this one.
'Very well done! Had all the holds I requested.
The boys have worked hard.'
'The wrestling was amazing.
I wanted to give you two thumbs up.'
'... superb match ... I love this kind of fight! technique and power ...
please congratulate them on my behalf ... and always so well filmed!'
'It just gets better and better. Joey is a top addition.'
Ring Missions 4
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado
Our smaller guys are out to make a big impression as
Alex makes his ring debut against Joey who is already gathering his own fan base.
David Hitman v Bert Ruben
Ruben faces his lighter but experienced teacher Hitman in this catchweight contest.
Two more traine scrappers take their mat skills into the ring for the first time.
Download: Buy Now
'Joey and Alex did a great job wrestling.
I like the wrestling shoes or small boots they wore with no knee pads, it reminds me of the 1950's and 60's pro wrestling.
I understand why you find it so hard to find trunks to fit them!'
'Credit to the guys, loads of good wrestling. Roll on the next one.'
Slippery Scrappers 6 & 7
Davey Braha v Dan Chappell
two rookies trying out some moves under the spotlights
Bert Ruben v Joey Delgado
can Joey make any headway against the heavier Ruben
or will the lights dim on his fledgling career?
Download: Buy Now
Ring Missions 3
The New Breed
Our Most Popular Title in 2020!
Joey Delgado v Davey Boy Braha
'... you have found some great lightweight wrestlers.
Joey Delgado v Davey Boy Braha was fantastic ...'
David Hitman v Alberto Rosso
Fans of scrappy ground grappling, pins, arm & leglocks will enjoy these two matches
as our rookies take their mat skills into the ring for the first time.
Download: Buy Now
'... great new stable of wrestlers - look forward to the dvds.'
'Hitman is so good, nasty arm locks and used the ring well with some good throws from both.
More David in the ring with more throws to weaken an opponent before his arm locks.'
'Just purchased ring missions 3 with Joey Delgado and Davey Boy. What a delight.
Please, when you can, more matches with new young wrestlers.
It is nice to see new talent and clean matches. Well done!'
'I really enjoyed seeing the lads smile and have fun ...'
'I just purchased ring missions 3 and the two bouts were excellent .
They were entertaining and exciting.'
More of our newcomers in the next Beemat Trials ...
Bruno Baccy v Joey Delgado
trainee Joey is learning fast but has his work cut out against excellent mat technician Baccy
Bert Ruben v Dan Mare
Ruben may have to cut down on his showboating against heavyweight newcomer Dan
Download: Buy Now
'... another great couple of matches.
Once again Joey impressed, he is quite a skilled little wrestler, love watching him.
Keep up the good work.'
Slippery Scrappers 4 & 5
David Hitman v Joey Delgado
will trainee Joey be able to
slide out of Hitman's notorious scissor moves?
Bruno Baccy v Bert Ruben
classic technician versus power match-up in a turkish delight.
Two mat matches under the Oil Zone spotlights!
Download: Buy Now
Lightning Struck

Max Morrison v David Hitman
Hitman wearing lightning motif trunks makes his ring debut
against experienced Morrison who aims to use max power on the wiry trainee
Download: Buy Now
skillfully performing the triple surfboard early on in the bout.'
Grapplezoners 9
Franky Nadara v Alex Tanner
David Hitman v Joey Delgado
Max Morrison v Bert Ruben
three of our trainees step up to the challenge
of facing experienced group members.
We pay tribute to Franky's dedication as group leader
training Spotland's "new breed" over the last three months
and look forward to returning to group activities
when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.
Download: Buy Now
'You never fail to amaze me. Another cracking video.
Joey Delgado is a good find. He did really well against David Hitman.
When is Alex v Joey 2 ?'
'... newbies are an important part of the Roster going forward
best way to sharpen their skills is on the zone
great facilities to learn and get experience
thoroughly entertaining.'
Slippery Scrappers 1, 2 & 3
David Hitman v Bert Ruben
will the wiry Hitman turn into a powerful turk?
Bert Ruben v Alex Tanner
stocky Ruben is expecting to dominate little Tanner
but can the determined battler keep sliding out of trouble?
Download: Buy Now
'... enjoyed seeing some new faces.'
'I think they're great ... enjoyed seeing Ruben wrestling in oil,
but also think that Ellis Diamond could be a real find.
Some great 'scrappy'-style bouts (which is what I prefer) from all the lads ...'
more trainees in our Beemat Trials series ...
Beemat Trials 21
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado
two lively trainees determined to come out on top
but who will have the winning smile?
'Well, you did not disappoint. A fantastic match A* rating. Cannot wait for round 2!'
Grapplezoners 8
Alberto Rosso v Joey Delgado
two novice lightweights being trained by group leader Franky
in an entertaining warm-up match.
David Hitman v Bert Ruben
Spotland favourite Hitman faces up & coming Ruben in this mat battle.
Download: Buy Now
'Another cracking production. Loved every minute.
Alex Tanner v Joey Delgado is an absolute must.
Keep up the good work.'

Daz Taser v Bert Ruben
Taser returns from London looking to stun a novice opponent
with his fiercesome attitude on the grapplezone.
Beemat Trials 20

Franky Nadara has a roll with newcomer Bert Ruben after training

David Hitman v Alberto Rosso
Hitman expects to use his powerful moves against inexperienced Rosso
Hitman continues to impress, should use the back hammer more as he knows how to crank it on.'
'... there’s quite a lot of new talent coming through ... I particularly liked Bert Ruben.'

A colourful spectacle under the ring spotlights to brighten your day during these difficult times.

Baccy is the more experienced wrestler but the rookie fighter is Hitman by name and nature
in this encounter outside & inside the ring.

tough rookie Rosso has to work hard against his experienced trainer

David Hitman v Bruno Baccy
showing the benefits of Franky's training in a return match.

Alex Tanner v Adrian Malloy
Determined Alex introduces another newcomer to the mats in a fun schoolboy-style fight.
This struggle is full of raw passion and energy.
Where did you find Alex Tanner - he's a star in the making.'
'Alex is a joy to watch a true warrior with some good moves.'

Alex Beatboxer v David Hitman
Popular lad Beatboxer looks to have grown bigger since his last appearance
as he returns to take on trainee Hitman in a lively grapplezone contest.

Franky Nadara leads the training group in a roll on the mats
as we welcome back Bruno Baccy
and introduce newcomers David Hitman & Alex Tanner.
Bruno Baccy looks like a really great addition to the roster
(feisty with a good physique and with a good grounding in wrestling moves already)
and I hope he becomes a regular. I also liked David Hitman.'

Sammy Scrapper v Neymar Jnr
trainee Neymar tries some flying moves against old 'scrap metal' Scrapper
in a pro-style match under the ring spotlights
Teo & David give us some different angles on the laddercam!
Free To View: Download
Franky Dare (Nadara) v Max Morrison
recorded in 2018 as both guys were learning their trademark moves
'Seeing guys in suspended surfboards is a great day!
Love the boots on these two!'
Ring Moves 4
Max Morrison v Deathslayer
Sammy Scrapper v Neymar Jnr
Two of our young trainees have speed and agility but are still learning
as they face more powerful and experienced opponents in training matches.
Filmed prior to the lockdown restrictions.
Download: Buy Now
'Two very good bouts,
good ring presence from Deathslayer (could be another Joey Eden) and Neymar Jr.'
Grapplezoners 5
Franky Nadara v Deathslayer
Danny Mettle v Neymar Jnr
Max Morrison v Franky Nadara
Download: Buy Now
three lively promission matches on the grapplezone
filmed prior to the Government Covid-19 restrictions
Practicing Restraint
Sammy Scrapper v Franky Nadara in our first chain match
Download: Buy Now
'... my love of gimmick matches includes chain matches.'
'That’s certainly a different theme ... good to see Sammy as buff as ever!'
Roses War
Sammy Scrapper v Franky Nadara
wearing their tackle trunks in a Valentine's Special
with some less than noble moves!
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'Another really good wrestling video from the spotland scrappers'
Brexit Bundle
Team Spotland in a variety show
including three trainees making their debuts
Brexit Moves
Sammy Scrapper v Franky Nadara
with a Ring Pro special edition
Brexit Ding-Dongs
Franky Nadara leads a six-man royal rumble finale.
Spotland followers will enjoy this entertaining romp
as we chime in to mark Brexit even if Big Ben doesn't!
Download Brexit Bundle Buy Bundle
'I thought George Espanol and the Deathslayer were really impressive as newbies.
I also liked the way the tag match descended into a free for all ladder match!'
Sagger Fights
Sammy Scrapper v Max Morrison
Alex McDonald v Neymar Jnr
with the guys fighting on the mats and in the ring, wearing jeans and trackie bottoms.
Download: Buy Now
'I loved the sagger fights - jeans, jean shorts and saggers have always been favourites of mine.
I thought Alex and Neymar in particular put on a really good show - a proper 'pub car park' type of scrap!'
Ring Pro
Spotland steam into the New Year with a double-header!
Franky Dare v Rey Mysterious
who is the man behind the mask?
Jack Nero v Neymar Junior
the masked Nero against rookie Neymar making his ring debut
the mouthy tyrant returns expecting to put out young Neymar's fire with ease.
Download: Buy Now
'... as ever two brilliant bouts.'
'It was enjoyable, Neymar is a good wrestler to say he is new.
Would like to see him do submission as he has that cocky streak in him.
Cannot wait till his next.'
'Absolutely loved Ring Pro.
Neymar is a great find.
Jack certainly gave him a wrestling lesson to remember.
Looking forward to future releases.'
Best from 2019
Beemat Trials 15
Introducing Danny Green & Sammy Salami with Max Morrison & Brasov Tiger
in a winner stays on training routine
Alex McDonald v exciting newcomer Neymar Junior
Sammy Scrapper v Nicos Power making his mat debut
'Just bought Beemat trials 15. Loved it. Who is Neymar? He was amazing against Alex.'
Rainbow Tie-Ups
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Max Morrison v Danny Mettle
both guys have been training hard and take this opportunity to use some new moves
(and a few old favourites!) in a lively ring encounter.
Spotland Scrappers support Stonewall's Rainbow Laces campaign to make sport everyone's game.
Ring Moves 3
Young Ady v Sam Smiler
this recently found footage provides a real treat as our favourite vets meet in the ring
LJ Silva v Franky Dare
Franky has his work cut out against the heavier Silva
Max Morrison v Alex Beatboxer
a fun training match with these new lads on the block
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Ring Missions 2
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Max Morrison v Franky Dare under the watchful eyes of trainer Master Ady.
Experienced technician Franky Dare v rookie lad Cheeky Chippy.
Masked pro El Maz Morrison v collegiate wrestler Alex McDonald new to the ring.
Tickler Giggles Gigglesworth v Gunner Mettle flying in to put a spanner in his works.
A compilation of promission variety entertainment with experienced guys and two rookies
barefooted in The Loft Studio ring.
I'm amazed that you pack so much enjoyable content onto one DVD."
Punching Bryan 3
Max Morrison v Danny Mettle
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The latest video in our Beatdown Boyz series.
The guys are wearing fingerless gloves, ankle boots and boxing shorts in this scenario.
Little Danny can just about reach up and hang from the frame of the punching bag stand, while Max tests his abs.
The two switch positions, then the action spills into the ring with more ab punching and grappling.
Eventually one of them is caught in a sleeper hold, and wakes up tied to the punchbag frame!
Fortnight 2
The Sequel !
Young Ady & Flavi Forza v Danny Mettle
Ady doesn't know what happened last time but he's brought help for this sequel. Flavi wonders how Danny beat Ady.
They say they are going to show Danny that he is too weak (hence fortnight, get it?) and they are strong.
A hypnotic contest sponsored by N Trance.
'The match was fantastic! You included everything I asked for. Thank you and the guys!'
Matman Cup 4
Young Ady v Sammy Scrapper
Max Morrison v Danny Mettle
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Young Ady challenges Sammy Scrapper for the Matman Cup.
Enjoy the brotherly banter and the quality mat grappling
as Ady tries to cut Sammy in his new tackle trunks down to size
"It's A Knockout!"
Young Ady v Max Morrison
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A last man standing type of match. No tap outs, only knock outs.
Someone can only win if his opponent stays knocked out for a ten count.
Fans of headscissors, chokes and back-breakers will enjoy this one!
Both guys look the part on a warm afternoon at The Loft.
'Every minute of this half hour fight to KO is full of promission grappling goodness.
Both men look great in their pro gear and Young Ady puts poor Max though the encyclopedia of submission holds.
Max is resilient and definitely won't stay down for the count easily.
Ady may have to resort to some dirty tricks to put Max away for good!
The combo of of these 2 was near perfect. Ady is a great brute and Max sells his suffering extremely well.
This is easily in my top three from Spotland!'
Converse Clash (Sponsored by Jay's Customs)
Young Ady v Danny Mettle
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One of our supporters asked for a custom squash match where a small guy attempts to put up a fight and escape holds, but can’t.
The bigger, muscular guy targets the left or right ankle/foot throughout, uses other holds too, but always returns to the ankle.
The smaller guy wears trainers for the first half, and is barefoot for the rest.
No prizes for guessing which wrestler is the bigger guy!
"The download worked perfectly and the match is awesome, exactly what I was hoping for and the guys were great!
Thanks for making it happen and for making this such an easy process!"
(Match Sponsor)
Pro Club 13
Jack Nero v Max Morrison with Referee Nigel Crabtree
Download: Buy Now
Hope to see both wrestlers again soon"
"I was able to purchase and download Pro Club 13 without any problems and it was a great bout."
Rent or Buy & Download from our Pro Channel:
Oil Shakes (Sponsored by Lionel Messi)
Young Ady v Ronnie Laurenti in a messy rip 'n strip.
Ronnie Laurenti v Sammy Scrapper on the oil zone.
Danny Mettle, Brasov Tiger, Max Morrison & Frankie Dare in The Loft's attic.
Download: Buy Now
A bumper compilation of three matches for fans of our fun scenarios!
"I think Ronnie is a real find - a worthy opponent for Ady.'
'Awesome. Sammy is looking amazing, quite the comeback. Ady is Ady, haha."
(Match Sponsor)
Pro Club 12
Frankie Dare v Max Morrison with Referee Nigel Crabtree
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Max Morrison makes his long-awaited pro debut in this sporting contest
between two trainees, scheduled for 8x3min rounds
"... a good match ... the indian death lock submission move ... the guillotine applied and well done too ... I enjoyed it.'
'Thoroughly enjoyed ... fast and energetic wrestling with well executed moves and weakeners ...
Max now has the skill and stamina to face tougher opponents."
Stair Crazy
Manni Old'em v Max Morrison
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A rule-bending romp in and out of The Loft ring with Manni & Max!
"I did enjoy ‘Stair Crazy’ - both wrestlers put on a good performance and Manni looked good in pro gear."
"Keep off that fire escape. Too risky!"
Matman Cup 3
Franky Dare (Champion) v Sammy Scrapper on the comeback trail.
Max "Maximuscle" Morrison v returning Manni Old'em.
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Friendly rivalry between Team Spotland on The Loft's grapplezone.
Will Sammy put the icing on the cake of his comeback by capturing the prestigious Matman Cup
or will champion Franky prove too much for him?
"Ask Him Ref!" 11
Young Ady v Jack Nero
with Referee Nigel Crabtree
or on our Pro Style channel:
A classic Brit Pro bout. Debutant Jack Nero has been training hard
for this crack at Young Ady our experienced team captain
"Downloaded this video yesterday and it is brilliant. Great Brit Pro wrestling.
Best wishes guys and all the best for the future."
"Many thanks for continuing to release top quality wrestling DVD's.
Really looking forward to my next compilation."
"A top quality, hard fought contest featuring lots of finely executed Brit Pro moves.
Loved Jack's entrance into the ring, and Ady's submission move in Round 4.
Ady's stamina and skill inevitably overpowered Jack, who courageously took a lot of punishment.
Would like to see more of Jack at The Loft.
Ady's always magical in the ring, bringing back memories of World of Sport."
"Young Ady is a truly talented and highly skilled wrestler, who always delivers the goods.
He just gets better and better! I love his ring presence, his prowess, his stamina, his arrogance
and his technical skills in the sport of wrestling.
Thanks for producing some excellent matches. Much respect!"
Some Stand-Out Performances
Most Popular Mat Match 2019
First 2 Three (Sponsored by Catchinski Customs)
Young Ady v Flavi Forza
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Two gym buddies in a "first to three submissions" custom match in The Loft's grapplezone.
One Scrapper in compression shorts and the other in MMA style fighting shorts.
With sleeper holds and chokes, torture racks, & nelsons.
"I was really happy with the match and loved the variety of submission holds!
Please give Ady and Flavi my thanks. I hope they enjoyed producing the match as much as I did watching it."
"Ady and Flavi were so creative ... I was blown away by the athleticism and strength from both men!"
(Match Sponsor)
Most Popular Custom Match 2019
Randy's Custom
Young Ady v Max Morrison
Will powerful Ady rule the roost over athletic Max?
A booted Max Morrison takes on a barefooted Young Ady who is out to show the young up-and-comer that size and power is everything.
Download: Buy Now
I thought Ady & Max were awesome! I am very pleased with it."
(Match Sponsor)
Laughing For Good
Achilles and other heels on The Loft ramparts in an epic Homeric battle plus
Giggles flies in the ring on a special tickling mission!
"Giggles is my fave, I prefer bouts which are a bit different from the more straightforward pro-style ring bouts!"
"Many thanks for another great value and entertaining DVD."
"It's Chocks Away for a laugh a minute ..."
Download: Buy Now
Most Popular Match of 2018
Nice One
Young Ady v Cyril Lutteur
Download: Buy Now
Experienced French Freestyle Grappler Cyril Lutteur
makes his debut against the heavier Young Ady
in a "first to ten" submission contest.
"Valiant effort by the older guy in a treat for fans of submission wrestling."
"I want to congratulate you on the excellent vid ‘Nice One’ with Ady v Cyril Lutteur. I was captivated.
It was definitely one for us grappling fans. Like me Cyril must do Jujitsu as he kept going for guard.
Ady did a brilliant job and seems unbeatable."
Live At The Factory 2 - Archive Dip (2013) non-HD
Show opening bout plus a title eliminator at The Wrestling Factory
Sammy Scrapper v David Cuplu
Sam Smiler v Sammy Scrapper
another opportunity to Download: Buy Now
At this stage David remains a likeable guy but Sammy has developed a mean streak
which gets him into trouble with the referee in this opening bout of Live At The Factory 2.
Plus a fast-moving Spotland Pro Title Elimination contest between two lightweights.
Both matches refereed by Nigel Crabtree.
"Very good technically with some excellent holds and moves."
there's more matches featuring past Scrappers on our Wayopay download shop
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